Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 06 October 2011

Bredonborough On the street and



On the street and over to World HQ I…




… the drop in temperature reminding that Autumn is here, the Fifth Season likely now given way to the regularity of the Four Seasons. …

DGM Newsed by the Sidney Smith…

Cassidy Goes To Court
:: Posted by Sid Smith on Thu., Oct 6, 2011

My thanks to Albemuth for flagging up this story about David Cassidy's court action against Sony. Albemuth highlights this particular quote from the story which will ring a few bells for RF diary readers."Despite promises in his 1971 contract to provide financial statements for merchandising, Sony has "either never provided such accountings and reports, or provided such accountings and reports only begrudgingly, inconsistently, inaccurately and fraudulently."  In a letter sent to Sony in May, Cassidy’s attorney Craig Marshall, requested a full accounting of the merchandise."

Do we believe this inadvertent accounting delay (the famous quote by Andrew Stanger of EG) is accidental? Do we believe that such an accounting lapse would be likely for Sony’s executives in their own income streams? Even, for the employees of Sony’s accounting department? Is this IAD confined to Sony? Might it be a characteristic of other companies? And since there are only four majors, might this imply Inadvertent Accounting Delaying is an industry wide problem? And more than coincidental?

Moving associationally along… "The recording companies really, really do conspire against the artists" (Michael) Jackson said.[3]. A professional acquaintance from my past (1978 in NYC producing Sacred Songs for Daryl Hall), the then-manager of Daryl was Tommy Mottola, later Power Possessor Numero Uno at Sony Music Entertainment in the US for nearly 15 years until 2003. Mr. Mottola also worked with Michael Jackson from the time he began recording his "Dangerous" (1991) album. Jackson would later state that his relationship with Mottola dissolved based on corruption in his working practices…

Following Endless Grief, we had two major problems with EMI to get huge unpaid royalties handed over, post-audit (2006-7); and with UMG/BMG Publishing, also post-audit (2009) - they didn’t even reply for 14 months after receiving the audit. 

18.56    Lunch and shopping on the High Street...


… to acquire tasty things for WillyFred, who was unsuccessfully searching his area this morning for carrot tops, a usual part of his breakfasting trough. The Primary Food Provider hand-fed him banana to keep him going, in addition to the Ryvita, and has now stepped out for a suitable breakfasting experience for WillyFred’s tomorrow.

To the gym. Domestic organizing. Over to World HQ for more of the usual. A call from T in London, where The Humans have their first London show this evening.

19.52    E-flurrying enough.
